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Posted on November 15, 2023
Social Media Ambassador
@provcollege Social media ambassador and psychology major Melissa Moran ‘25 shows us a day in her life while studying abroad in Copenhagen. 🇩🇰 #FYP #ProvidenceCollege #GoFriars #dayinmylife #dayinthelife #DIML ♬ original sound –
Social media ambassador and psychology major Melissa Moran ‘25 shows us a day in her life while studying abroad in Copenhagen. 🇩🇰 #FYP #ProvidenceCollege #GoFriars #dayinmylife #dayinthelife #DIML
More content done by Melissa:
@provcollege Follow social media ambassador Melissa to see a busy day in the life of a PC sophomore! #ProvidenceCollege #FYP ♬ Summer day – TimTaj
Follow social media ambassador Melissa to see a busy day in the life of a PC sophomore! #ProvidenceCollege #FYP
@provcollege Luxer One emails are the only email some people read. #Relatable 🎥: mamameliss20 #ProvidenceCollege #FYP ♬ original sound – Providence College
Luxer One emails are the only email some people read. #Relatable 🎥: mamameliss20 #ProvidenceCollege #FYP
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