Five Ways Providence College Will Help You Become Who You’re Meant to Be
Five Ways Providence College Will Help You Become Who You’re Meant to Be
The value of a college education isn’t just in the grades you earn or the job you land when you graduate. College can be — and should be — an important step in maturing into the person you’re meant to be. Here are five ways enrolling at Providence College will help you do just that:

1. Mentorship
Providence College faculty are leading scholars and practitioners in their fields, and with a 12:1 student-faculty ratio, mentorship of students is the norm rather than the exception here. Students are paired with faculty advisers specific to their majors, and undeclared students receive advice and support through a special undeclared advising program. The school of business and the liberal arts honors program offer peer mentorship programs, and mentorship is built into many student clubs and organizations. Mentors help us recognize and apply our strengths even (and especially) when we struggle to see them ourselves.

2. Learn to serve. Serve to learn.
Service is at the heart of the Friar identity. It always has been, and it always will be. Whether with Habitat for Humanity (in which Friars hold one of the country’s highest participation rates) or in any one of more than 100 student organizations, students encounter new faces and perspectives through service every day. Service is the springboard of many friendships, the source of many memories, and the way many PC students have discovered their callings in life.

3. Us. We. Together. Family. Friars.
Whoever said “you don’t get to choose your family” never met the Friar Family. Like any family, our interests vary and we don’t always see eye to eye. But what we share in common — love of learning, commitment to service, and pride in tradition — is greater than anything that divides us. Above all, we value each other. The Friar Family means more than just holding doors for each other on campus (though we do that, too). It means that campus is home and a place where you’re never alone.

4. Core Strength
The diversity of the core curriculum at Providence College means that you’ll approach tough questions from different vantage points. You’ll see the intersections between philosophy and business, between history and current events, between theology and science, and more. For many students, a core requirement was the first step into the majors and careers they didn’t realize they dreamed of. At PC, you’ll take courses you never thought you would, and you’ll be a deeper thinker and more creative problem-solver for it. After all, you’re only as strong as your core.

5. Divine Providence
To believe in providence is to believe that God guides all things by his grace. Providence is an idea we embrace at Providence College so much so that we’re, well, named for it. Believing in providence means trusting that each day presents new opportunities to learn, grow, and love one another. It means believing that we don’t end up where we are by accident even when we can’t see the reason. It means that some doors close so that we might step through the one we’re meant to.
It’s no accident that you applied to Providence College, and it’s certainly no accident that you’ve been admitted. If you’re looking for an education and four-year experience that will help you become who you’re meant to be, it may be time to trust the providence in Providence College.
Enroll today, and become the person providence is calling you to be.